Blogger is a Free Blogging Service provided Google . Blogger is hosted by Google . Blogger is free Service provided by Google subjected to certain Limitation . If you want to edit Template than you Must Backup / Download copy of your Blogger Template . At the Time of Editing Template if you Face any Problem than you can Safely Restore / Upload Your Blogger Template . In this Article I'm Gonna show you how to Backup / Download or Restore / Upload your Blogger Template .


How to Backup / Download your Blogger Template :-

1. Go to and Sign in to your Account .
2. Open Blog from which you want to Backup Template .
3. Now in Blogger Dashboard click on Template in Left - Menu .
4. Now click on Backup / Restore Button from Top Right Corner of Your Blog .

5. Now click on Download Full Template Button .

6. Save your Template in your Computer .

How to Restore / Upload your Blogger Template :-

1. Go to and Sign in to your Account .
2. Open Blog in which you want to Upload Template .
3. Now in Blogger Dashboard click on Template in Left - Menu .
4. Now click on Backup / Restore Button from Top Right Corner of Your Blog .

5. Now Click on Browse Button and select Template from your Computer .

6. Now click Upload Button .

Enjoy Post !

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