Facebook is the Biggest social networking website which connects people with their Friends , Family or any other person around the world . Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004 with his College Roommates .

Facebook Like Box is a Plugin that Allows users to Like Fan Page of your Blog and this Like Box also Shows Faces of Likers on your Facebook Fan Page .

If you want to Add Facebook Like Box of your Facebook Fan Page to your Blogger Blog than you are at right place to Learn How to add Facebook Like Box in your Blogger Blog . Just Follow Below simple steps .

How to add Facebook Like Box in your Blogger Blog

1. Login to your Facebook Account .

2. Now open your Facebook Fan Page and copy URL of your Facebook Fan Page .


3. Now open this Page >>>  https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-box-for-pages/

4. Now Paste your page URL in Facebook Page URL Field .
5. Than click on Get Code .

6.Now new pop up window will open in which you can see Two Different Codes .

7. Now in new Tab Login to your Blogger Account .

8. Open Blog in which you want to add Facebook Like Box .
9. From your Blog DashBoard Click on Layout Menu from Left Side .

10. Now click on Add Gadget Option from Layout Tab .

11. Now from new window Click on HTML / JavaScript .


12. Now Paste Both Code and than Click on Save Button .

13. Done . You have Successfully added Facebook Like box in your Blogger Blog .

Enjoy Post !

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