Yahoo is the Most Popular Search Engine , E-Mail and Homepage . Now a Days everyone wanted to share their Yahoo Mail Attachments to their Friends , Family or Any other Person but no one can share their Yahoo Mail Attachments to any person Directly . If you want to Know How to Share your Yahoo Mail Attachments Directly to your Friends than you are at Right place to Learn . Today in this Tutorial i'm gonna Teach you How to Share your Yahoo Mail Attachments Directly to your Friends or any other Person .

How to Share your Yahoo Mail Attachmens Directly to your Friends

From Computers :-

Requirements :-

1. Yahoo Mail Account .
2. Dropbox Account . ( )

Follow Below simple steps :-

1. Firstly Login to your Yahoo Mail Account .

2. Open E-Mail in which you have Attachments which you want to Share .
3. Now Move your Mouse Cursor on your Attachments .
4. Now Click on Download Button .

5. Now Click on Save to Dropbox .
6. Now in new Tab Login to your Account . 

7. Right Click on File ( Yahoo Mail Attachment ) and Click on Share Link .

8. Done . You can Share your Yahoo Mail Attachment to whom you want to Share .

Note :- You can Share your Attachment File Download Link Via E-mail , Facebook , Twitter to whom you want to Share . If you Don't want to Share your File Via Above method than you can Share your Attachment Download Link via your appropriate method by Just clicking on Get Link . ( your Link will automatically be copied to Clipboard . )

From Mobiles

Requirements :-
1. Yahoo Mail Application .
2. Dropbox Application .

Follow Below simple steps :-

1. Firstly Open your Yahoo Mail Application on your Phone .
2. Open E-Mail in which you have Attachments which you want to Share .
3. Now Click on Save to Dropbox .
4. Now open your Dropbox Application .
5. Now long Press on your Yahoo Mail Attachment File .
6. Now Click on Share .
7. You can share File Download Link via appropriate method .

Enjoy Post !

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